On Monday afternoon, I attempted to prep the nicest pieces. Many garments in my backlog tend to need a quick stitch here, a stain removal there. You'd be amazed what a pair of scissors and some Oxyclean can do. My husband got home from work early so I took the evening off to rehearse with our improv troupe and later, cuddle with Sean before his trip to San Francisco.
By Tuesday, I still didn't have my period but you'd have a hard time convincing my uterus that because the sore boobs and general acheiness were full throttle. I continued yesterday's garment preparation - hems, write-ups, steaming - and then headed out the door for the post office to drop off last week's sales. No sooner was I outside the parking garage did I realize our neighborhood street was closed for repair, and with fresh asphalt laid down, I wasn't going anywhere.
Not fucking cool, City of West Hollywood. Not only could I not ship my clothes on schedule, but I also couldn't buy myself lunch... or dinner. With Sean out-of-town for a work conference, I was on my own for the next two days. No driving, even for an afternoon, really threw off my week.
That brings us to today, Wednesday. Already very behind, I woke up to a crime scene in my pants. Okay, not really, but I got my period and it sucked hard. The cramps in my lower abdomen felt like something was HAPPENING to me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It's like an urge with no relief - all the pressure and intense muscle tension.
I popped a Vicodin, but this didn't do anything. I tried the hot towel on your tummy method, before opting for a hot bath instead. Nothing helped. I was supposed to model today, but I couldn't get out of bed. The pain was unbearable.
With my work schedule fucked royal, I suddenly remembered I still had to go to the post office. I was in no shape to WALK, let alone operate a car. It took every iota of concentration to drive a mile and a half in traffic. I put on Arcade Fire, hoping it might encourage natural dopamine to take over. The whole time, I was right on the cusp of throwing up.
Nevertheless, I did it. Got home. Snaked immediately back into bed and the puppies climbed on my lap. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about work. I'll probably try to model tomorrow, and edit/add photos on Friday, but it's not ideal because we have a show at UCB on Saturday and I'd really prefer to concentrate on improv. I guess I should feel lucky this all happened before the show.
Sean should be home tonight, and I can't wait to see him and cover him in kisses. We spent our first night apart in over 2 year last night. Not surprisingly, I got drunk and watched "Blue Valentine."
Sabrina London
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